
26 November 2018

Encouraging the formation of an organisation for men with prostate cancer

A Europa Uomo representative has met with cancer advocates, health professionals and politicians in Armenia, with a view to encouraging the formation of an organisation for men with prostate cancer in the country.

Europa Uomo Vice Chairman, Stig Lindahl from Sweden, travelled to Artsakh, a northern province of Armenia Northern Armenia, for a meeting on male and female cancers. Travelling with representatives from Europa Donna, the European breast cancer coalition, Stig Lindahl gave a talk on living with prostate cancer in different parts of Europe and met with attending members of the public and doctors.

The next day Stig Lindahl met with the provincial Prime Minister. This was followed by a meeting with doctors, nurses and patient representatives about the possibility of establishing a prostate patient organisation in Armenia.

Stig said: “I discussed next steps with Nvard Kocharyan from Europa Donna and her team, and they are hoping to progress matters in the coming months with a view to making an application to join Europa Uomo in 2019.”